Epistatus boxes and bottles
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Administering Epistatus for Adults
Introduction to Epistatus
Epistatus is a medication commonly prescribed for adults. It contains midazolam, the same active ingredient found in buccal midazolam for children, but it is produced by a different manufacturer. The standard dosage is 10 milligrams in a 1 millilitre solution.
Forms of Epistatus
Pre-Filled Syringes
Epistatus is available in boxes containing four pre-filled syringes. Each syringe provides a single 10 milligram dose in a 1 millilitre solution. Here are the key steps for using pre-filled syringes:
- Check the expiry date on the box and syringe.
- Inspect the syringe for any crystallisation through the foil seal.
- If the box has been partially used, mark it as "used" to avoid confusion.
- The box and syringe should clearly state "Epistatus pre-filled syringe 1x1ml 10mg dose".
Epistatus in Bottles
Epistatus also comes in bottles containing 40 milligrams of medication, intended for multiple doses. Each bottle is provided with four syringes for administration. Follow these steps to use the bottled form:
- Check the expiry date on the bottle and box.
- Inspect the bottle for any crystallisation.
- Push down on the cap to remove it as instructed.
- Insert an empty syringe into the bottle and draw the required amount of liquid.
- Prepare the syringe for administration.
Alternative Packaging
Another form of Epistatus comes in a different packaging but still contains pre-filled syringes. The process for using this form is similar:
- Check the expiry date and other information on the box.
- Inspect the syringe for any crystallisation.
- Ensure the syringe is ready for administration.
Administration Process
Regardless of the packaging, the administration process remains consistent. Follow these key steps:
- Verify the medication is in date and free of crystallisation.
- Administer the medication as directed in the individual’s care plan.
- Dispose of any used items according to local policies and procedures.
Epistatus is an effective medication for managing seizures in adults. Proper administration, adherence to care plans, and safe disposal practices are essential for ensuring the medication’s effectiveness and patient safety.