The 5 Steps to Risk Assessments

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Epilepsy Risk Assessment: Ensuring Safety and Support

Introduction to Risk Assessment

Conducting a comprehensive risk assessment is crucial, especially for individuals living with epilepsy. It helps identify and mitigate potential hazards, ensuring their safety in various environments.

Identifying Hazards

Begin by identifying potential hazards, considering the unique challenges faced by individuals with epilepsy. Hazards may include risks during personal care activities, outings, or at home, such as in the kitchen or near stairs.

Assessing Potential Harm

Consider who may be harmed and how. This includes the individual with epilepsy as well as others, such as caregivers or members of the public. Evaluate the severity of potential injuries to develop appropriate precautions.

Evaluating Risks

Evaluate the identified risks and determine suitable precautions. This may involve implementing safety measures such as supervision during personal care, installing seizure detection sensors, or rearranging furniture to minimize injury risks.

Implementing Precautions

Implement the identified precautions to reduce the identified risks. Ensure that all caregivers and support personnel are aware of these measures to maintain a safe environment for the individual with epilepsy.

Recording and Reviewing

Record the findings of the risk assessment and distribute them to relevant parties involved in the individual's care. Regularly review the risk assessment, at least annually or as circumstances change, to ensure its ongoing effectiveness.


By following these five steps and adhering to guidance from health and safety authorities, we can effectively protect individuals with epilepsy from potential harm and provide them with the necessary support for their well-being.