Seizure classification

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Understanding Epileptic Seizures: Partial Focal and Generalised

Types of Epileptic Seizures

As previously mentioned, epileptic seizures can be classified into two types: partial focal and generalised.

Partial Focal Seizures

In partial seizures, only one part of the brain is affected, but there are different types of partial seizures:

Simple Partial Seizures

Simple partial seizures may cause jerking motions or hallucinations, but the person usually remains aware of what is happening.

Complex Partial Seizures

Complex partial seizures can cause automatisms such as wandering, mumbling, smacking lips, or fumbling with clothes. The person may not be aware of these actions.

Generalised Seizures

Generalised seizures affect a larger area, or even all, of the brain, usually causing complete unconsciousness. There are more types of generalised seizures compared to partial focal seizures:

Absence Seizures

Absence seizures cause a brief loss of consciousness, sometimes accompanied by localised automatic movements. They can last from a few seconds to several hours.

Myoclonic Seizures

Myoclonic seizures usually affect the muscles, with the person remaining conscious. These seizures often occur in clusters and are common soon after waking up or as falling asleep.

Atonic Seizures

Atonic seizures result in a sudden loss of muscle tone, causing the person to fall to the ground and go limp. Recovery is usually quick, but head and facial injuries are common.

Tonic Seizures

Tonic seizures cause a sudden increase in muscle tone, making the person appear stiff. If standing, they will likely fall to the ground.

Clonic Seizures

Clonic seizures involve convulsing limbs, causing the person to fall heavily. Unlike other seizures, there is no initial muscle stiffening.

Tonic-Clonic Seizures

Tonic-Clonic seizures are a combination of tonic and clonic seizures. Initially, muscle tone increases dramatically (tonic phase), causing stiffness and a fall. This is followed by rhythmic convulsions of the limbs (clonic phase). This is the most iconic type of epileptic seizure, often occurring during sleep.

Safety Precautions

During clonic seizures, do not restrain the body or limbs as this can cause serious injury to both the person having the seizure and anyone attempting to restrain them.


Understanding the different types of epileptic seizures and their symptoms is crucial for providing appropriate care and support. Recognising the signs and knowing how to respond can help ensure the safety and wellbeing of those affected by epilepsy.